In every location where training dives are carried out there must be a specific and detailed emergency plan, which include at least the following information:
• 5 min Neuro test.
• procedures for recovering a casualty, reanimation and
transport to an emergency medical center;
• procedures for administering oxygen
• nearest emergency medical centers, including decompression chamber
Procedure in case of diving incident follows:
Call to National Coordination center for search and rescue on number 9155.
NCSAR automatically is alarming Hyperbaric chamber in Split which is directly on standby and waiting for the diver, to start the treatment of diver that had an accident.
Transport is possible by ER car to Supetar and then with speedboat directly to hospital in Split.
Another option, if the rescue coordinator decides, is with helicopter (12 – 15 min flight duration, respecting the max altitude of 300m allowed and highest possible pressure in the helicopter cabin in case of diving accident) also directly from Bol to hospital in Split. Helidrom is 2 min far from diving center.
If needed, hyperbaric chamber can be contacted directly via number:
During the treatment we have direct contact with the HB chamber as well with the doctor of hyperbaric medicine and all the information about the divers condition,
situation and treatments.